Friday, September 12, 2014

Jack Lux Vintage features the TVS Blogger Mannequins!

In case you haven't stopped in yet (many of us have already made multiple trips)...the JACK LUX Vintage Pop-up shop landed in Toronto back in July and has taken the vintage shopping community by storm!

We felt honoured when they contacted us for their Blogger Mannequin Initiative.  We were asked to dress 2 mannequins to be featured in their shop window at 536 Queen St West starting Sept 12th until the 19th!

Bloggers throughout Toronto were approached for this initiative. The mannequins will rotate weekly.

For our mannequins - we wanted different lengths, textures and eras...we also wanted the mannequins to be eye catching in the shop windows!  In hindsight, we should have dressed a male mannequin as an homage to all the great TVS men in Toronto...but sorry guys we simply squealed and ran around the store pulling just about everything down from the racks! 

2 other bloggers on the Toronto Vintage Society 
team were approached to style mannequins, see them here: 
Liz's from The Vintage Inn and 
Shermy's from Shermette!

Liz wearing her Fall ready shirt waisted dress - 
newly acquired from Jack Lux of course!

Shermy hanging out with her signature styled technicolor mannequins!

This history of how the company came about is quite interesting too.....

"Jack Lux has one of the largest vintage collections in Canada, having acquired most of 

the collection from Centre National du Costume, a costuming trust established by the 

Quebec Government.  The CNC curated and identify a wide and diverse range vintage 

clothing dating between the 1920s and 1990s.  The collection was used by filmmakers and 

production houses that were shooting in the province of Quebec. In 2005, the organization 

was dismantled and Jack Lux was able to acquire the vast collection — which at last 

count included more than 200, 000 items of men and women’s apparel and accessories."

With a successful Montreal business flourishing, they decided to bring over 5000 pieces to Toronto and open a pop-up shop located at 536 Queen St West. With shout outs from BlogTO, Now Magazine, She Does the City and many more it's no wonder that everyone is talking about this shop that is chocked to it's rafters with vintage!

The company also has a strong team backing it in both cities, Both the PR manager Micki and store manager Jason have been friendly and lovely to work with!  

Jack Lux plans to stay in town until October - hopefully we can bring you an exclusive shopping opportunity...and just in time for Hallowe'en!  

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. البراغيث يُمكن تنظيف البراغيث بواسطة المكنسة الكهربائية، حيث يتم تنظيف الأفرشة والمساحات الضيّقة التي غالباً ما تختبئ فيها البراغيث وبيوضها ويرقاتها، كما يُمكن استخدام منظّف البخار الذي يعتمد على الحرارة العالية والصّابون في التّنظيف، وهي الأمور التي لا تحبّها البراغيث، ومن الطرق الأخرى للتخلّص منها: غسل جميع الأفرشة والحيوانات الأليفة بالماء السّاخن، وتجفيفها على درجات حرارة مرتفعة، ويُمكن استخدام العلاجات الكيميائية؛ كالمبيدات الحشرية المحتوية على البيرميثرين الذي يقضي على البراغيث البالغة، والميتوبرين الذي يقضي على يرقات وبيوض البراغيث، مع الإشارة إلى ضرورة ارتداء القفّازات أثناء استخدام المبيدات

    شركة رش مبيدات بحائل
    شركة رش مبيدات بالاحساء
    شركة رش مبيدات ببريدة
